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Road Signs in France

Road signs used in France are patterned according to EU recommendations and use mostly pictograms (not text). Priorité à droite – the old French system was to give priority to all traffic coming from the right. This still applies at unmarked crossroads in the countryside, in small villages, as well as minor streets inside cities, etc. Most other road crossings have some kind of priority system implemented.

Road Signs in France

Panneau Routier à Bayeux, France; Ecole! - Soyez Sympas, Roulez Au Pas!
Road Sign in Bayeux, France; School! – Be Friendly, Ride With Footsteps!

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Verkehrsschilder in Frankreich

Señales de Tráfico en Francia

Panneaux Routiers en France

Verkeersborden in Frankrijk

الصور ومقاطع الفيديو من علامات الطرق في فرنسا

Yellow lozenge signs indicate that your road is prioritary (all other roads must yield); a yellow lozenge with a bar shows ends this. Watch out; for drivers from other countries this is one of the most confusing aspects of French driving. France uses many roundabouts (ronds-points). Traditional French-style roundabouts are signposted by a round blue sign, and drivers inside the roundabout have to yield to incoming traffic (which comes from their right). However most roundabouts are now preceded by an international-style triangular sign above a message stating that you do not have the right of way (“Vous n’avez pas la priorité”), and drivers approaching the roundabout have to yield to drivers on the roundabout.


Though many non-European drivers seem to fear roundabouts, there is actually nothing scary to them: just yield to the traffic inside the roundabout, and turn right at the exit you wish. Two advantages to roundabouts are if you are unsure of the road to take, you can simply go round the roundabout until you have decided; also, they make it easy to make a U-turn.

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