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Statues and Busts in Zandvoort, The Netherlands

Zandvoort is a Dutch artists’ village. The beach and the sea are an inexhaustible source of inspiration, as evidenced by the many galleries and 2 museums in the village. In addition to these galleries and museums, there are also several sculptures scattered throughout Zandvoort.

Busto del Pregonero Klaas Koper (Zandvoort, Países Bajos)
Bust of Town Crier Klaas Koper (Zandvoort, The Netherlands)

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Statues and Busts in Zandvoort, The Netherlands

Statue 'Madame Migraine' par René Rikkelma à Zandvoort, Pays-Bas
Statue ‘Madame Migraine’ by René Rikkelma in Zandvoort, The Netherlands

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Estatuas y Bustos en Zandvoort, Países Bajos

Statua 'Famiglia' a Zandvoort, Paesi Bassi
Statue ‘Family’ in Zandvoort, The Netherlands

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Statuen und Büsten in Zandvoort, Niederlande

Statue 'Sonnenbader' (Zandvoort, Niederlande)
Statue ‘Sunbather’ (Zandvoort, The Netherlands)

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In 1971 Zandvoort commissioned artist Bep Sturm den Bergh to make two sculptures of the Molenaar couple. These two statues and the statue of Kees Verkade ‘The Old Man on the Couch’ are the only works of art made by the population of that time. Floris Molenaar (1841-1927) was initially a fisherman by trade and later in life when he gave up fishing, he became an announcer and fish auctioneer. He also peddled his handcart with ‘nice acid’ past the houses. In the summer months he and his wife Arendje van der Mije stood with the cart at the Oude Strandweg. The couple lived with their 10 children on Schulpweg near Schelpenplein. Their house was lost during the demolition of the sea front during the Second World War. The bronze ‘Floris’ is immortalized as an announcer in old Zandvoort costume with the latch in his hand and the bronze ‘Arendje’ is depicted in traditional costume with a basket on her back that consisted of 2 parts: the ‘bone’ and the ‘siger’ that fit together. On her arm she has a handle basket with a cup and knife in it. The cup was for measuring a portion of shrimp, the knife to clean the fish.

Статуи и бюсты в Зандворте, Нидерланды

Beelden van Dorpsomroeper Floris Molenaar en zijn Vrouw Arendje van der Mije (Zandvoort, Nederland)
Sculptures of Village Crier Floris Molenaar and his wife Arendje van der Mije (Zandvoort, The Netherlands)

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Sculptures et Bustes à Zandvoort, Pays-Bas

Sisi (Osztrák Császárné és Magyar Királynő) Mellszobra Zandvoortban, Hollandiában
Bust of Sissi (Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary) in Zandvoort, The Netherlands

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Beelden en Bustes in Zandvoort, Nederland

Sculptor Kees Verkade had in 1965 his studio in an old Zandvoort house in the Smedestraat, where he made the portrait of Sir Winston Churchill, among other things. The various exhibitions in the Galerie Eijlers in Zandvoort already showed that the young Verkade had talent. Sports and games were his great source of inspiration, but the circus topic was also widely appreciated. His first exhibition was in the Haarlem fish hall and the sculpture ‘Mother and Child’ was purchased by the Frans Halsmuseum, who also later purchased the ‘Thrower’. He received his first assignment from the municipality of Haarlem, where ‘Shopping’ has been placed on the corner of Grote Houtstraat. Not only Haarlem has a few statues, the artworks of Verkade are also well represented in the municipality of Zandvoort. From 1970, Verkade’s monumental works can be found all over the world, from New York to Nice and from Monaco to Maastricht.

Rzeźby i Popiersia w Zandvoort, Holandia


Sculture e Busti a Zandvoort, Paesi Bassi

Скульптура «Старик на скамейке» Кееса Веркаде (Зандворте, Нидерланды)
Sculpture “The Old Man on the Bench” by Kees Verkade (Zandvoort, The Netherlands)

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